
This FAQ page is intended to address the elephant in the room:


Threaded Parts

The parts offered at Corvus Saber Foundry (CSF) have been designed to be compatible with a majority of Variable Hilt Component system (VHC) parts and VHC adjacent offerings available from LGT, Nexus, Damiensabers, and a variety of retailers such as Vire Sabers, Padawan Outpost and others.

Efforts have been taken to make sure measurements and tolerances align as closely as possible to ensure a satisfactory experience.  While CSF parts were designed to be compatible with a majority of VHC parts and consistent with precise manufacturing specifications, we acknowledge that not all VHC or VHC tangential parts in circulation share the same level of precision.  This variance in fitment can be influenced by manufacturing tolerances, variations in concentricity, to a thickening of the threads due to anodizing. We acknowledge that variances in both CSF and non-CSF parts may cause CSF parts to perform unsatisfactorily.

Recent adjustments to CSF thread design has all but eliminated this threading issue.  While our tolerances are very strict, we cannot rule out the possibility that changes in VHC parts may still create this issue.

If your non-CSF parts have significant changes, damage, or galling to the threading, CSF parts may not perform satisfactorily. Please ensure your non-CSF part threads are clean, undamaged, and the diameter is consistent before installation.  We also recommend using a dielectric grease on all raw aluminum to raw aluminum thread contact points.

If a user experiences any resistance during installation of CSF parts: the user is advised to immediately stop, remove the part if possible, and contact the CSF team for assistance.  CSF cannot be liable for parts damaged by negligence or failure to heed the warning signs of impending damage.


Shrouds compliment and expand the options of the LGT and Nexus - VHC system, giving you wider customization options for a personalized saber.  While designed primarily for compatibility with LGT and Nexus sabers, testing has shown these shrouds may fit other manufacturers of similar design, dimension, and format.  We suggest you do your own experimentations!

Please note that this shroud was designed to be compatible with a majority of VHC parts; these parts tend to maintain a consistent outer diameter.  If your saber has significant changes or variances in outer diameter in the area you wish to mount this shroud, this part may not perform satisfactorily.


One thing we can guarantee is a commitment to our customers.  If our parts do not fit satisfactorily, we will gladly exchange the suspect CSF part one time to ensure it was not the fault of our parts, offer store credit, or a full refund if satisfaction cannot be achieved.  We'll cover the shipping.

The second is CSF compatibility:  All current and future CSF parts will maintain the same level of internal compatibility.  CSF parts will always fit CSF parts.